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Citrus Fruits

Nutritional Therapy

A holistic approach to health that focuses on the importance of a properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole food diet paired with a well-balanced lifestyle.

Using a wide range of tools and techniques to identify and correct nutritional imbalances and deficiencies, we focus on scientific principles about how the human body functions, both anatomically and physiologically.

We also honor the body’s innate intelligence and its incredible capacity to restore, regenerate, and correct itself — when given the tools and nutrients to do so.

Nutrition Counsultation

30 min ~ $25

Lifestyle counseling

Are you looking for some help with planning and implementing the right foods for your body? Or maybe you are frustrated with diet culture and wanting an alternative. Nutritional Therapy is all about setting yourself up with the Foundations, education & caring support. We can walk through the basics or focus on specific health concerns, all tailored to your life and your needs.

Grocery Store Education

90 min ~ $50

Woman Shopping for Groceries

This shopping trip will be tailored to your health goals.  We will be comparing products and their alternatives.  We will also review front and back labels as well as deceptive marketing on each. This can be a great additional service after your Initial Client Visit to build upon your healthy lifestyle goals.

Nutrition Membership

3 months (minimum) ~ $175 per month

Woman Preparing Food

Program Includes: - 90 minute initial consultation - 3 months of 60-min sessions (usually weekly) - Comprehensive nutritional assessment - In depth health history - food journal analysis - detailed action plan - handouts and resources - recipes & meal plans - unlimited email & text support during business hours - symptom tracking tools - in depth education - practical tips & tricks for longterm maintenance - 15% off all supplements

ReStart Class

5 weeks of 90 minute classes ~ $250

Next class: September 2024


The RESTART® Program is a five week class led by our resident Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Lani. It combines the simple elements of an up-to-date nutrition education, a guided 3-week sugar detox (aka Real Food Challenge), with small group support into a powerful way to kickstart a new healthy lifestyle. It’s truly an empowering combination!

Pantry Clean Out

90 min ~ $70

Volunteers Packing Food

Invite your friendly Nutritional Therapy Practitioner over to clean out your kitchen pantry! We will review food labels and at the same time learn about healthier alternatives to replace your items with. This is a great service to add on if you feel overwhelmed with the amount of change you want to make with your health. We are here every step of the way to walk with you. If desired we could identify toxic cleaning products and safer alternatives as well.

Lani Cochran, NTP

Helping families to eat locally & seasonally to support happy, healthy adults & growing, knowledgeable children to love good food!


As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my passion is helping families to step away from the Standard American Diet and reconnect with fresh, local, seasonal food they can feel good about! As a mom of two boys, one of whom is on the Autism Spectrum, I know how hard it is to provide meals that are nutritious & delicious. Especially when you add in multiple food sensitivities and individual preferences! Working with your family, whether that's one person or ten, we get to the root cause of any body dysfunction and learn about the joys of food together!

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